Bouquet Coeur


This stunning bouquet features a harmonious blend of deep red roses, pristine white roses, and delicate fillers Gift Delivery to Tunisia

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Best Gift Delivery to Tunisia | Introducing our exquisite “Bouquet Coeur” floral arrangement, beautifully presented in a heart-shaped red velvet box. This stunning bouquet features a harmonious blend of deep red roses, pristine white roses, and delicate fillers, symbolizing everlasting love and affection. The velvet box is elegantly adorned with a heartfelt message in gold: “Je t’aimais, je t’aime et je t’aimerai” (I loved you, I love you, and I will love you).
Perfect for anniversaries, Valentine’s Day, or any occasion to express your deepest emotions, this arrangement brings a touch of romance and sophistication to any setting. The convenient ribbon handles make it easy to carry and display, ensuring your gesture of love is both beautiful and practical.